Mulberry 41052 41052 MN | Fromm
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Mulberry 41052

Mulberry 41052 1-Gang Switch Plate, Rectangular Plate, Steel, Red Field

  • Manufacturer Name: Mulberry Metal Products
  • MPN: 41052
  • Brand Name: Mulberry
  • UPC: 095327410526
  • FEPN: 41052 MN
  • Min Order Qty: 1
  • Quantity Interval: 250
  • Inventory Availability loading

Mulberry is the largest manufacturer of metal wallplates for the electrical industry. We offer over 7000 different items, with most in stock. Customers can choose from over 40 finishes in painted metal, stainless steel, brass and other materials. Standard, princess, maxi, jumbo or narrow. Custom openings or combinations. From one to ten gangs and beyond. Made from the most rugged material available, our Endura™ thermoplastic wallplates are virtually unbreakable and are not susceptible to cracking or warping. We offer the broadest line in any plastic and can also make custom plates. Mulberry also has extensive silk screening and engraving capabilities. We have a comprehensive library of stock silkscreen designs and do a lot of large engraving jobs for hospitals and other institutions.

Mulberry Switch Plate, 1-Gang, Rectangular Plate Shape, Toggle Switch Operator, Emergency ON/OFF Legend, Silk Screened White Legend, For Use With: Switch Box, Steel, Red Field

Legend Color       :      Silk Screened White
Legend       :      Emergency ON/OFF
Operator Type       :      Toggle Switch
Suitable For Use With       :      Switch Box
Type       :      1-Gang
Plate Shape       :      Rectangular
Material       :      Steel
Field Color       :      Red
  • Flush mounting
  • White 1/4 in silk screening, configuration toggle switch, emergency on/off legend
  • Painted finish
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