Kindorf® B-941 B941 TB | Fromm
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Kindorf® B-941

Kindorf® B-941 900 Channel Joiner, 4 Holes, 6 in L x 1-1/2 in W x 12 ga THK, Steel

  • Manufacturer Name: ABB - Installation Products
  • MPN: B-941
  • Brand Name: Kindorf®
  • UPC: 785991758375
  • FEPN: B941 TB
  • Min Order Qty: 1
  • Quantity Interval: 20
  • Inventory Availability loading

The Kindorf® channel system is designed so that the maximum number of support and framing applications can be constructed with a minimum amount of labor and materials. The 1-1/2 in dimension in the channel, hole spacing and fittings means all parts fit together all the time. This modular system provides maximum flexibility in field applications and results is labor savings and reduced material waste.

Kindorf® Channel Joiner, Series: 900, 4 Holes, 6 in Length, 1-1/2 in Width, 1-1/2 in D, 12 ga Thickness, For Use With: B905 Series 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 in Channel, Steel, Galv-Krom®/Standard

Depth       :      1-1/2 in
Finish       :      Galv-Krom®
Series       :      900
Suitable For Use With       :      1-1/2 x 1-1/2 in B905 Channel
Number of Holes       :      4
Length       :      6 in
Width       :      1-1/2 in
Thickness       :      12 ga
Material       :      Steel
  • 9/16 in Dia holes on 1-1/2 in centers
  • pdfSpecification Sheet