EATON 1MP5126RRLB 1MP5126RRLB EC | Fromm
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EATON 1MP5126RRLB Group Metering Meter Pack With Horn Bypass, 125 A Self-Contained Socket, Underground Feed, 120/240 VAC, 600 A Bus

  • Manufacturer Name: Eaton
  • MPN: 1MP5126RRLB
  • Brand Name: EATON
  • UPC: 786849052607
  • FEPN: 1MP5126RRLB EC
  • Min Order Qty: 1
  • Quantity Interval: 1
  • Inventory Availability loading

EATON meter packs or all-in-ones, allow multi-tenant metering in a single location and thus provide a space and installation cost savings for residential and light commercial applications. Ideal for garden apartments, small condominiums and townhouses where six or less units are metered through one centrally located meter pack.

EATON Meter Pack, Group Metering, Self-Contained Socket, Underground Feed, 120/240 VAC, 600 A Bus, 125 A Socket, 5 Meter Sockets, 1 ph, Ringless Socket Cover Style, 5 Socket Jaws, Plug-On/BR2/BRH2/BRHH2/BRX2/IA/MI/MN/WI Breaker, 7.01 in L x 25.5 in W x 64.56 in H Dimensions

Breaker Type       :      Plug-On/BR2/BRH2/BRHH2/BRX2/IA/MI/MN/WI
Dimensions       :      7.01 in L x 25.5 in W x 64.56 in H
Number of Meter Sockets       :      5
Phase       :      1
Socket Cover Style       :      Ringless
Socket Jaws       :      5
Type       :      Group Metering
Socket Amps       :      125 A
Socket Type       :      Self-Contained
Feed Type       :      Underground
Voltage Rating       :      120/240 VAC
Bus Amps       :      600 A
  • Units are self-contained (main terminal box included) for installations requiring up to six meter socket positions in a single enclosure
  • Units are not gangable with any other metering device
  • Series rating up to 100 kAIC
  • Bondable neutral
  • Provision for 2-pole breaker
  • Underground incoming feed
  • Aluminum bus housing
  • pdfCatalog
  • pdfSpecification Sheet